Laws Information

Title: Lifelong Learning Act
Am Date: 2018-06-13
Legislative History: Presidential Decree Hua Zong Yi.Yi.Zi. No.10700062401 issued June 13, 2018:Amendment to Article 4; Articles 7; Articles 8;Article 10; Article 15; Article 18; Article 20.



Article 4
Lifelong learning institutions are categorized as follows:
1. Social education institutions:
(1) Social education centers.
(2) Libraries.
(3) Science education centers and science museums.
(4) Sports facilities.
(5) Recreational facilities for children and adolescents.
(6) Zoological parks.
(7) Other institutions performing social education functions.
2. Cultural institutions:
(1) Cultural museums and exhibition venues.
(2) Cultural centers, art centers, and performance venues.
(3) Living arts centers.
(4) Other institutions performing cultural functions.
3. Educational institutions, government agencies, community learning centers (also called “community colleges”), and non-profit organizations and groups, other than those already referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs, that provide people with a diverse range of learning activities.

Article 7
The competent authorities at all levels shall hold meetings on a regular basis to promote and implement lifelong learning. The meetings shall:
1. Deliberate on and evaluate lifelong learning policies and directions.
2. Review major lifelong learning programs.
3. Consultation on other related matters.
The competent authorities at all levels shall invite scholars, experts, representatives of lifelong learning institutions, representatives of government agencies, and representatives of the target groups specified in Article 20, Paragraph 1 to attend the meetings referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 8
Public social education institutions and cultural institutions are those established by the central government, municipality, county, and city governments, district, township, city offices and mountain indigenous districts of special municipalities in compliance with the respective laws and regulations governing the organization of such institutions.
Private social education institutions and cultural institutions are established by the submission of an application by individuals, legal persons, or groups to the municipality, county, or city government. The regulations governing the establishment, modifications, suspension or cessation of operations, supervision and oversight of such institutions, incentives they may be granted, and any other associated matters with compliance requirements any other matter with compliance requirements shall be prescribed by the central competent authority and by the central competent cultural authority.
If the social education institution or cultural institution referred to in the preceding two paragraphs is a library, or a museum, its establishment shall also be governed by the Library Act, or the Museum Act and related regulations.

Article 10
To implement and promote lifelong learning, the competent authority at municipality, county, and city level may establish community learning centers (also called “community colleges”). The measures for their establishment and development shall be separately prescribed by law.

Article 15
Lifelong learning institutions may preferentially select and appoint lifelong learning professional staff to promote and implement lifelong learning activities.
The rules of the lifelong learning professional staff, including the forms of approval, area of professional expertise, issuing and revocation of professional area certificates, training, and advanced training of lifelong learning professional staff for its professional area, and any other associated matters, may formulate regulations governing by the government authority in charge of subject industry at the central government level.
Regarding the lifelong learning professional staff for each of the professional areas referred to in the previous paragraph, the government authority in charge of subject industry at the central government level may set up a human resource database listing the lifelong learning professional staff in its professional area that lifelong learning institutions within its jurisdiction.

Article 18
Governments at all levels shall vigorously promote the establishing of study systems for their employees by government agencies (organizations), educational institutions, public enterprises and institutions, and legally established, incorporated, or registered private institutions and groups, and may provide incentives to those that do so.
The study systems referred to in the preceding paragraph may take the form of study leave on full pay, subsidies for expenses, or official leave from work.
The regulations governing the recipients, eligibility requirements, procedures, and the forms that the incentives referred to in Paragraph 1 may take, and other matters associated with the incentives referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the competent authority at each level.

Article 20
The competent authorities at each level shall develop and make widely available opportunities for lifelong learning, and taking into account the specific characteristics of people of different ethnicity, cultures, economic circumstances, and physical and mental capacities, design programs that meet their needs, and provide them with accessible services. The regulations governing the programs, teaching materials, teachers’ qualifications, subsidies, and other associated matters shall be prescribed by the competent authorities at each level.
At its discretion, the central competent authority may subsidize the tuition paid by the people referred to in the previous paragraph when they participate in an approved program that is in compliance with the provisions of the regulations referred to in Article 13, Paragraph 2. The regulations governing eligible subsidy recipients, forms of subsidy provision, proportions, procedures, and other associated matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.