Laws Information

Title: Regulations for Aircraft Flight Safety-related Events
Am Date: 2015-11-25
Legislative History: Amendment Appendix 2 and 3 of Article 3 promulgated on November 25, 2015



Article 3
The aircraft owner or operator shall comply with the Regulations for Aircraft Flight Safety-related Events for any flight safety event which requires the compulsory reporting of (Appendix 1). The owner or operator shall also submit to the CAA the flight safety event initial report of (Appendix 2) within 24 hours. The Flight Safety Management Information System (FSMIS) report for the safety event shall be submitted to CAA within 72 hours.
The aircraft owner or operator shall submit to CAA, the maintenance difficulty FSMIS report within 72 hours, if the event is related to Appendix 3.
If any delay, turn-back, or flight cancellation is due to reasons of paragraph 1, the aircraft owner or operator shall complete the civil aircraft flight report (Appendix 4) and shall submit this report to the airport operator, who shall relay this to the CAA at once.