Laws Information

Title: Orders Act
Am Date: 1981-12-07
Legislative History: “ Verbal description of the Order of Chiang Chung-cheng with Grand Cordon ” and its graphic representation (Figure 3) added to table attached to Article 10, announced by the President on 7 December 1981.
Table attached to Article 10 reset horizontally pursuant to a letter from the Ministry of the Interior Tai-Nei-Min-Zi No. 0940076028 on 5 January 2005




Article 10
The Order of Brilliant Jade with Grand Cordon, Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen with Grand Cordon and Order of Chiang Chung-cheng with Grand Cordon are awarded with a Grand Cordon. The Order of Propitious Clouds or the Order of Brilliant Star is awarded with Grand Cordon, Cravat, Rosette with Ribbon, or Rosette according to different degrees of services the recipient offered.
Verbal description and graphic representation of the orders are shown in the attached table.