Laws Information

Title: Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowances
Am Date: 2018-06-12
Legislative History: Amended on June 12,2018



Article 5
The people referred to in Item 1 and Item 2 of Paragraph 1, Article 2, who apply for the allowances referred to in Item 1 to Item 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 4, shall present a copy of both sides of the National Identification Card, a form of consigned agreement for the inquiry of the Labor Insurance records, and the following documents:
1. Bears the family budget on one’s own: copy of household certificate of one’s own and the dependent relative(s); copy of certificate of enrollment or document(s) proving the incapability of work of the dependent relative(s) shall be submitted if the relative(s) is aged from fifteen to sixty-five years old.
2. Disabled: copy of the disability card or identification.
3. Aboriginals: copy of the household certificate with remark stating the identity of aboriginal.
4. Family under living allowances: copy of low-income or near poor households certificate documents.
5. Women looking for re-employment: copy of document(s) proving that the end of the last employment is due to a familial factor.
6. Victims of domestic violence: copy of identity certificate of victim of domestic violence issued by the municipal, county, or city government, copy of protection order, or copy of the pertinent judgment.
7. Rehabilitated ex-convicts: copy of imprisonment certificate or other valid identity certificate.
8. People under an involuntary unemployment: copy of document proving the involuntary unemployment issued by the group insurance applicant, or by the municipal, county, or city government, or copy of other valid documents proving the mentioned fact.
9. Other documents required by the Central Competent Authority.