Laws Information

Title: Forensic Pathologist Act
Am Date: 2018-05-23
Legislative History: Article 37, 53 of this Act were amended and promulgated by Presidential Order Hua-Tsung (1)-Yi-Tzu No.10700056051 on May 23, 2018.



Article 37
Whoever practices as a forensic pathologist without a forensic pathologist certificate shall be subject to imprisonment no less than six months but no more than five years and, in addition thereto, a fine of not less than NT$300,000 but not more than NT$1,500,000.The following shall be excluded from being subject to the penalties prescribed in this paragraph:
1. Intern practices in accordance with Article 4 of this Act;
2. Physicians, medical laboratory scientists or other professionals’ practice involving the scope of practice of a forensic pathologist but in accordance with regarding laws regulating the profession of physicians, medical laboratory scientists or other professional technicians.
3. Practices of employees of administrative agencies or schools in charge of identification in accordance with related laws or organizational rules.

Article 53
This Act shall take effect one year after the date of its promulgation.
The Act will be put into effect on the date of its promulgation, except for Articles which were amended and promulgated on December 15, 2009 and took effect on November 23, 2009, and Articles which were amended and promulgated on December 5, 2012 and took effect on December 28, 2012.