Laws Information

Title: Regulations Governing Fees for Commodity Inspection
Am Date: 2018-09-10
Legislative History: Annex III amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 10 September 2018.



Article 21
The fees for other testing or technical services shall be collected in accordance with the following rules:
1. The fees for other testing or technical services shall be collected in accordance with the fee rates set forth in Annex III. If the fee rate for a specific item is not available, the rate for similar items shall apply.
2. If the testing requires a special pharmaceutical facility or large volumes of material, such as water, electricity, gasoline or coal, additional fees shall be charged on a case-by-case basis according the expenses for testing.
3. An extra 40% of the testing fee shall be collected to expedite an application.
4. If on-site sampling by an inspector is required, the on-site fees shall be collected in accordance with Article 7 of these Regulations.
5. NT$100 shall be charged for each new or replacement testing report or technical service report.
6. A service fee of NT$50 shall be charged for each application.
If testing is unable to be conducted due to special circumstances, the fees set forth in the subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the preceding paragraph shall be returned. If no testing is conducted, an application for the return of the fees set forth in the preceding subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the preceding paragraph may be submitted to the inspection authority. However, the service fee mentioned in subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph are not refundable.