Laws Information

Title: Small and Medium Enterprise Guidance system Establishment and Guidance Rules
Am Date: 2005-11-07
Legislative History: Approved by Executive Yuan Order Tai Jing #0940035702 on October 5, 2005.
Revision Article 2 by Executive Yuan Order Jing Chi Tzu #09404609130 on November 7, 2005.



Article 2
The regulatory authority establishes the guidance systems in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 1of the Statute.
The mission of the guidance systems shall be as follows:
1. Finance and financing guidance system:Providing guidance and assistance to improve the financial structure and capital financing of SMEs.
2. Business management guidance system:Providing guidance and assistance to the SMEs to establish management system, upgrade operating efficiency and human resources development.
3. Production technology guidance system:Providing guidance and assistance to the SMEs to upgrade technology level and adopt new technology.
4. Research development guidance system:Providing the SMEs assistance to the individual or mutual research development and develop new product or new technology.
5. Management information management guidance system:Providing guidance and assistance to the SMEs to gather and establish management information management system, to upgrade business efficiency utmost.
6. Industrial safety guidance system:Providing the SMEs of guidance and assistance to the establishment or improvement of industrial safety system and provide solution to industrial safety.
7. Pollution prevention guidance system:Providing the SMEs with guidance and assistance to improve the facilities of pollution prevention and assisting the SMEs to solve problems of pollution prevention.
8. Marketing guidance system:Gather and provide the market information to the SMEs and provide assistance in internal and overseas market exploring.
9. Mutual corporation guidance system:Providing the SMEs of guidance and assistance to promote Mutual Corporation, to strengthen collaborated competitive capability thus create new business opportunity.
10. Quality upgrading guidance system:Providing the SMEs of guidance and assistance to upgrade the SMEs’ products and service quality;hence to establish business environment based on quality.
11. The start-up incubation consulting system:The mission goal is to construct high quality environment that incubated the development of the start-up business, to speed up new small/ medium enterprises for development.