Laws Information

Title: Regulations for Administration of Mobile Broadband Businesses
Am Date: 2018-04-10
Legislative History: The amendment of Article 79-1 by NCC on April 10, 2018. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Ping-Tai Tze No. 10741011260



Article 79-1
The operator, when terminating its whole service due to the expiry of the concession license, shall submit a business termination plan to the competent authority for its reference three months prior to the expiry of the concession license, and shall also notify its subscribers one month prior to the expiry of the concession license.
The foresaid business termination plan shall disclose the following:
1. The number of users when submitting the plan and the expected decrease of the number of users prior to the expiry of the concession license.
2. Amount of refunds of deposits and overpayments.
3. Plan for the announcement of business termination.
4. Specific measures to notify subscribers.
5. Customer service response plan.
6. Other consumer protection measures.