Laws Information


Article Content

Article 1
The Executive Yuan organized the Council of Indigenous Peoples (hereinafter referred to as CIP) for the purpose of organizing aborigine related matters under one general organization.

Article 2
All local provincial (city) government execution of CIP policy is under the supervision and direction of the Council.

Article 3
The CIP has the following departments:
1. Department of Planning
2. Department of Education and Culture
3. Department of Health and Welfare
4. Department of Economics and Public Construction
5. Department of Land Management
6. The Secretariat

Article 4
The Department of Planning has the following functions:
1. Indigenous peoples related policies, system, and law formulation and research.
2. Indigenous peoples matters overall planning and coordination.
3. Indigenous peoples related data and information survey, compilation, analysis, and publication
4. CIP information, edition and translation system planning, implementation, and management.
5. Development and evaluation of CIP project planning and implementation.
6. Indigenous peoples identity, counseling of traditional trial organizations, and managing matters of ethnic group relations.
7. Planning and promotion matters of aborigine autonomy, counseling, coordinating, supervising matters of autonomy administration, and personnel training, evaluating and disciplinery.
8. Other indigenous peoples matters related study and planning.

Article 5
The Department of Education and Culture has the following functions:
1. Indigenous peoples general educational policies and regulations planning, drafting, coordination, and evaluation.
2. Indigenous peoples cultural heritage and traditional handicraft discovery, study, preservation and continuity planning, coordination, and evaluation.
3. Indigenous peoples history and language study, preservation, and continuity.
4. Indigenous peoples talent cultivation, training and counseling.
5. Indigenous peoples mass media, educational and cultural group communication, and cultural activity promotion and encouragement.
6. Indigenous peoples cultural and educational institutes planning, coordination and evaluation.
7. Other Indigenous peoples education and culture related matters.

Article 6
The Department of Health and Welfare has the following functions:
1. Indigenous peoples medical care, sanitation, hygiene, national health insurance and social welfare coordination, promotion, and counseling.
2. Indigenous peoples medical network, health promotion and sanitation matters coordination and promotion.
3. Indigenous peoples career training, job placement service, unemployment aid, and business startup planning, coordination, and guidance.
4. Indigenous peoples social relief, insurance and legal service planning, coordination and guidance.
5. Indigenous peoples social welfare service system planning and establishment and guidance.
6. Indigenous peoples civil groups’ communication, guidance and service.
7. Other Indigenous peoples medical care, health, job promotion and health and social welfare.

Article 7
The Department of Economic and Public Construction has the following functions:
1. Indigenous peoples property, economic, residence, tribal and community living environment facility improvement planning, coordination, guidance, and evaluation.
2. Supervision and management of the Indigenous Peoples Economic Affairs Development Fund.
3. Indigenous peoples industrial and commercial, financial, service, cooperative businesses and trust planning, coordination, and guidance.
4. Indigenous peoples traditional handcraft, intellectual property right, and cultural industry planning, coordination, and guidance.
5. Indigenous peoples agriculture, forestry, fishing, animal husbandry, and hunting matters planning, coordination, and guidance.
6. Indigenous peoples industrial operation, handcraft study and training planning, coordination and guidance.
7. Indigenous peoples tribal safety prevention and migration planning, coordination and guidance.
8. Indigenous peoples transportation, water conservancy, drinking water facilities improvement planning, coordination and guidance.
9. Indigenous peoples house loan planning, coordination, and guidance.
10. Other Indigenous peoples economic public works and residence matters.

Article 7-1
The Department of Land Management handles the following matters:
1. Indigenous peoples land planning, coordination and evaluation.
2. Indigenous peoples reservation and natural resource development, utilization, operation, and conservation planning, coordination, and guidance.
3. Indigenous peoples land related law evaluation and coordination.
4. Indigenous peoples land addition and delimit planning and coordination, and general management matters.
5. Indigenous peoples land registration arrangement, land right management, and land utilization planning and coordination.
6. Indigenous peoples land loss prevention, retrieve, relocate and general matters.
7. Indigenous peoples major land development and utilization evaluation matters.
8. Indigenous peoples autonomy area land planning and construction plan evaluation and coordination.
9. Other related indigenous peoples land development matters.

Article 7-2
CIP has the Bureau of Cultural Park that established in accordance with laws of ROC.

Article 8
The Secretariat handles the meetings, documents, seal, disbursement, general matters, public relations and other matters outside the functions of other departments.

Article 9
The CIP minister should be a native indigene especially appointed to manage council matters. The three deputy ministers are appointed to assist handling in council operations; one deputy minister holds an official level 14 elected position, while the other two deputy ministers hold a position comparable to a level 14 elected appointment and they should be native indigenes.

Article 10
The CIP is composed of nineteen to twenty-five council memebers. Each tribe has at least one delegate. All the council members are employed in accordance with the Employment Regulations and the employment period shall be depended upon the term of office for CIP minister for changing. Other positions are not career positions. The CIP minister nominates indigenous candidates, related government representatives, scholars, and experts to the premier of Executive Yuan for appointment. Term of office is two years, however term may continue upon reappointment. However, the term of a council member representing a government office is subject to change as per department assignment and position changes.
The aforementioned CIP organization should have a minimum of 50% indigenous council members.
CIP determines the appointment of its council members.

Article 11
A regular monthly council meeting is held as a rule; an emergency meeting may be convened whenever the need arises. The said meeting shall be presided by the Minister; in the event that the Minister is absent, then one of the Deputy Minister assigned by the Minister shall preside the meeting on his behalf.

Article 12
The council has a head secretary, one counselor, two councilors and five directors and each holding a level 12 elected position. The five deputy directors each holding a level 11 elected position. One office manager and 5 specialist council members, each holding a level 10 to 11 elected position. Eighteen to twenty Article chiefs each holding a level 9 recommended position. Six specialists and four secretaries each holding a level 8 to 9 recommended position, and two among the six technical specialists and one among the four secretaries can be given a level 10 to level 11 elected position. The fifteen to seventeen senior clerks and one analyst each holding a level 7 to 9 recommended position. The two assistant counselors each holding a level 7 to 8 recommended position. One designer holds a level 6 to level 8 recommended position. The thirty-nine to forty-seven clerks and the fifteen to seventeen technicians each holding a level 5 designated position or a level 6 to 7 recommended positions. The three or four associate specialists each holding a level 4 to 5 designated positions, and one among them can be given a level 6 recommended position. The seven to nine clerks each holds a level 3 to level 5 designated positions. The five to nine associate clerks each holds a level 1 to level 3 designated positions.
The two technicians and one clerk that moved to CIP with original Taiwan Provincial Government’s business aforementioned, those position are not to be replenished if vacancy.

Article 13
The director, holding a level 10 to level 11 elected position, appointed to the Personnel Office shall attend to personnel management matters as provided by law. The remaining necessary staff members should be appointed as per quota provision herein provided.

Article 14
The director, holding a level 10 to level 11 elected position, appointed to the Accounting Office shall attend to the annual accounting and financial matters, as well as statistics matters, as provided by law. The remaining necessary staff members should be appointed as per quota provision herein provided.

Article 15
The career positions of the officers and employees provided in Articles 9, 12 to 14, should comply with the relevant provisions in Article 8 of the Government Service Employment Procedure. Native indigenous people applicants should be given priority consideration for the forgoing career positions of officers and employees.

Article 16
The council, upon approval of the Executive Yuan, should organize ad hoc committees composed of scholars, experts, and aborigine representatives to address the various operation requirements of the council.

Article 16-1
The council, upon the business requirement, shall be establish the Indigenous Peoples Economic Affairs Development Fund, and AIP will responsible for instituting all related regulations and submit to the Executive Yuan for approval.

Article 17
The council, upon approval of the Executive Yuan, should employ researchers, assistant researchers, and research assistants to address the various operation requirements of the council.

Article 18
Upon establishment of the council meeting regulations and operating procedures, proposal should be submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval.

Article 19
Said bylaws shall take effect on enactment date. Said amended bylaws shall take effect on the enactment date proclaimed by the Executive Yuan.