Laws Information

Title: Establishment Directions for the Committee Reviewing the Naturalization of High-Level Professionals
Am Date: 2018-07-24
Legislative History: Amended and promulgated on July 24, 2018, by Tai-Nei-Hu-Zi No. 1071202797 Order of the Ministry of the Interior



Point 3
The Committee shall have 17 to 23 members. One of them shall be the convener and that position shall be filled by the Ministry’s Deputy Minister as a concurrent job. The remaining members shall be selected and appointed by the Ministry from social justice figures and representatives of relevant authorities, of which the number of unbiased society members and members of any gender shall not be less than one third of the total number of the members.
The representatives of relevant authorities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be the relevant business supervisors of respective authorities and those who have the grade of the 10th senior level or above. 
The term of office of the members shall be two years and the appointment can be renewed for another term. As for the members selected from the representatives of respective authorities, their term of office shall be according to the beginning and ending of their position in the authority in question. 
In case any vacancies occur in the Committee, the Ministry shall appoint successor members to fill up such vacancies. These successor members shall hold their incumbents’ positions for the remainder of the term being filled.
Additional committee members appointed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this promulgated amendment of July 31, 2017 shall have an office term equivalent to members appointed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of promulgated Directions of January 19th, 2017.