Laws Information

Title: Regulations Governing Implementation of Voluntary Product Certification
Am Date: 2018-05-03
Legislative History: Adopted and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 03 May 2018.



Article 22
The certification marks shall not be affixed on the products from the next day of product certificate is revoked or rescinded in accordance with preceding two Articles.However, the products produced before the rescission which rescinded according to Subsection 11 to Subsection 13 of the preceding Article may continue to be affixed with product certification mark for 6 months dated from the next day of the rescission order is issued.
For those products certification has been revoked or rescinded in accordance with Article 20 or Subsection 3, 10 of the preceding Article, the certificate holder and the production premise shall remove the certification marks on the products leaving the factory, the certified products remained in the factory both which produced before rescission order is issued, and its packaging and container in 2 months dated from the next day of the rescission order is issued.
For those products certification has been revoked or rescinded in accordance with Subsection 1, 2 or Subsection 4 to Subsection 9 of the preceding Article, the certificate holder and the production premise shall remove the certification marks on the certified products remained in the factory which produced before rescission order is issued, and its packaging and container in 2 months dated from the next day of the rescission order is issued.
Where the product certification has been revoked or rescinded in accordance with Article 20 or Subsection 1 to Subsection 10 of the preceding Article, the original certificate holder will be forbidden to apply for VPC certification with same product in 6 months, unless otherwise approved by the certification body under special situations.