Laws Information

Title: Pilotage Law
Am Date: 2002-01-30
Legislative History: Amendment to Article 13,39,and42 ,deletion of Article14&15 promulgated on January 30,2002



Article 13
No person shall be registered as a pilot if he/she:
1. loses ROC nationality;
2. his/her pilot license was suspended, or was revoked;
3. unable to perform pilotage service due to the decay of vision, hearing or physical condition, which has been verified;
4. the age reached 65 of years old; or
5. breached laws and has been sentenced imprisonment three years and above.

Article 39
Any pilot or the owner or master of a vessel who violates any one of the following requirements shall be fined six thousand (6,000) N.T. dollars and more but less than sixty thousand (60,000) N.T. dollars:
1. Violation of Article 16.
2. Violation of Article 18 or Article 26.
3. Violation of Article 17, Article 20 or Article 25.
4. The pilot rejects the requirement for piloting service without due reasons, or does not render the service after receiving the requirement, or misapplies rates and charges for pilotage.
5. The master rejects to hire a pilot or to allow apprentice pilots to board the vessel, or forces a pilot to perform service beyond the pilotage district without due reasons.
6. The owner or master of the vessel presents incorrect information of the draft or deadweight of the ship to a pilot on board .
7. The owner or master of the vessel employs a pilot whose license has been withdrawn or who has been suspended services or who is not qualified for piloting a vessel. 8. The master of the vessel who has no intention to require a pilot but exhibit the required pilot signal, or show such signal that is easily to be misunderstood as requiring a pilot.

Article 42
The rules regulating the qualifications and practicing courses of apprentice pilots, qualifications of pilots for the special pilotage districts, issuance of pilot licenses and certificates of registry, fees for licenses or certificates, supervision of pilotage services, establishment of pilot offices, supervision and management, and etc. shall be prescribed by the MOTC.
Article 14

Article 15